Free Tracked US Shipping on All Orders

We are buying pre-owned Handbags, luggage and accessories. Currently we are buying only Authentic Louis Vuitton.

Please use contact form below or the email link below describing the condition as best as you can. Don't worry if your bag is in poor condition, we may make an offer anyway as we do repair and reconditioning on many models.

please include a few Photos

Include as much of the following information as possible.

1. Designer

2. Model

3. Date Code/Serial number

4. Overall condition

5. Major Flaws (i.e. Rips, tears, broken zipper etc.)

6. Any smells (i.e. Smoke, Musty etc.)

We will contact you back with an offer and instructions on how to send us the bag.

With 1-2 days after receiving the bag we will off payout Via Paypal , Check or Store credit, whichever you prefer.

Easiest way to contact is the websites chat feature which uses Facebook Messenger






